4 Holiday Smile Tips for Excellent Oral Health

December 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — novasmile @ 11:32 pm
an assortment of sweet holiday foods

Keeping up with your oral health during the holidays is often easier said than done. Between making travel arrangements, preparing holiday meals, buying gifts, and getting ready for friends and family to visit, it often feels like there just aren’t enough hours in the day.  Fortunately, we’ve come up with four holiday smile tips to help you keep your oral health on track. Continue reading to learn what they are!

Tip #1: Regularly Brush Your Teeth

Practicing excellent oral hygiene is one of the most important parts of keeping oral health issues at bay. If you neglect to care for your smile, you’ll be more likely to develop cavities, gum disease, and other oral health problems. Be sure to brush your teeth once in the morning and once at night. Do so for two minutes each time, and use a toothbrush with soft bristles. Additionally, use toothpaste that is not abrasive and contains fluoride.

Tip #2: Floss Often

Though brushing is key to a healthy smile, it isn’t the only important part of an excellent oral hygiene routine. You should also floss at least once per day, preferably before you go to bed. Neglecting to do so will leave 40% of plaque on your smile, so make a point of adding this important step to your oral hygiene routine. Additionally, regularly use mouthwash with the ADA seal of approval to get rid of bacteria in areas that you can’t reach with brushing and flossing alone.

Tip #3: Skip Sugary, Sticky, Acidic, and High-Carb Foods

You may know that foods that are high in sugar can do a lot of harm to your smile, but they aren’t the only ones that you need to look out for. Starchy, high-carb foods break down into sugar in the mouth. this means that they can harm your pearly whites and the same way as sweet treats. You should also be wary of foods that are high in acid since They may eat away at your enamel. Sticky foods should also be avoided since they are difficult to wash away.

Tip #4: Eat Protein and Calcium-Packed Foods

Though it’s best to cut back on the above foods, what should you eat instead? There are several smile-healthy foods and drinks that you can fill up on during the holidays, such as:

  • Lean meats – Chicken, beef, turkey, and other lean meats contain vitamins and nutrients that are good for your pearly whites.
  • Leafy greens – Kale, lettuce, and spinach are great options for your beam.
  • Dairy products – Low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt, and cheese are full of calcium, which helps strengthen your teeth.
  • Fish – Salmon, mackerel, herring, albacore tuna, and cod are full of Omega 3 fats that may help calm oral inflammation and infections.
  • Fruits and vegetables – Carrots, celery, broccoli, pears, apples, asparagus, peas, and Brussels sprouts provide your smile with the nutrients it needs to remain strong and healthy.

Though it can sometimes be difficult to remember to care for your pearly whites during the holidays, the above holiday smile tips should make things easier for you. This way, you can ensure that your beam looks lovely for all the holiday photos you’ll be taking!

About the Practice

The smiles of those living in Annandale as well as the surrounding communities are in good hands with the help of Dr. Salari and her team at Nova Smile Dental. They administer treatments that help patients keep their beams in good shape all year long and can give you holiday smile tips for extra protection during this time of the year. If you’re ready to set up an appointment with Nova Smile Dental or want more information on their services, call their office at (703) 763-0800 or visit their

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