4 Freedoms You Can Experience During Invisalign Treatment

November 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — novasmile @ 4:33 am
A closeup of a patient with Invisalign in Annandale

Invisalign in Annandale has taken the world of modern dentistry by storm! These awesome aligners are capable of doing awesome things for your smile but are most well-known for their ability to discreetly straighten teeth. That said, here’s more about four of the incredible freedoms you can enjoy while undergoing this treatment process.

1. No Dietary Restrictions

One of the cardinal rules of Invisalign is that you must remove the aligners to eat—but once they’re out, all of your favorite foods are still on the menu! This is quite different from wearing traditional braces, which is usually accompanied by certain dietary restrictions. If you don’t remove your aligners before eating, you risk staining or damaging them, which in turn will delay your treatment.

2. Free from Discomfort

Invisalign aligners will create some pressure on your teeth from time to time, usually each time you change to a fresh set of aligners. However, this is normal, and if you weren’t feeling anything with your aligners in, then you wouldn’t know that they were working in the first place! That said, this discomfort is ultimately very minimal and becomes less noticeable as time passes and you become used to the aligners. Plus, the smooth, thin, comfortable aligners are no threat at all to your tender mouth tissues.

3. No More Awkward Conversations

Your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you—and if your teeth are crooked or misaligned, you might feel embarrassed when navigating social situations. But you won’t feel the need to hide your smile while you’re undergoing Invisalign treatment; in fact, people won’t even be able to tell that you’re wearing the aligners unless you say something. You’ll be able to navigate conversations with confidence and ease, all while having your teeth improved!

4. Easy to Keep Your Smile Clean

Metal braces can often get in the way when you’re trying to brush and floss your teeth—but since Invisalign aligners are totally removable, cleaning your teeth isn’t any more difficult than usual. That said, it’s extra important to maintain excellent oral health throughout your treatment; if you don’t keep your mouth clean, bacteria are given the chance to develop underneath your aligners and cause issues!

These freedoms are just four of the many you can enjoy if you undergo Invisalign treatment in Annandale, so don’t hesitate to contact your dentist and get the ball rolling if you’re curious!

About the Practice

Nova Smile Dental has proudly served patients and families in the Annandale community for several years. Dr. Salari and her team are pleased to offer a wide range of services including Invisalign! If you have any questions about the article or would like to arrange a consultation, you can contact the practice online or over the phone for assistance: (703) 763-0800.

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