How Much Enamel Is Removed for Veneers?

August 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — novasmile @ 10:29 pm
patient getting veneers in Annandale

Don’t like what you see every time you smile in the mirror? If so, you may be wondering what your options are to improve your look. Veneers are an excellent cosmetic solution that can transform several different aspects of your grin at once! Not only do they provide remarkable results, but they have impressive longevity. Of course, you should know that a small amount of natural tooth enamel is removed for veneer placement. Read on to find out why that’s necessary and how much is typically filed away.

Why Does Enamel Need to Be Removed for Veneers?

Veneers are used to address a variety of dental imperfections, such as discoloration, chips, cracks, gaps, and even misalignment. The ultra-thin sheaths of dental-grade porcelain are bonded to the front-facing portions of your teeth. However, a small amount of enamel needs to be removed from the affected teeth in order for the restorations to fit properly. It’ll help your veneers mimic your natural teeth and blend seamlessly with your smile. Plus, it’ll ensure a stronger and more long-lasting bond.

How Much Enamel Needs to Be Removed?

Since enamel doesn’t grow back, you may be concerned to hear that a thin layer will be removed. Don’t worry – your dentist will always prioritize a conservative approach with treatment, meaning they’ll only remove what’s absolutely necessary. More often than not, roughly half a millimeter is all that needs to be removed, which is about the thickness of your fingernails. It’ll allow the veneers to fit nicely on your teeth without looking unnatural.

Will Veneers Ever Need to Be Replaced?

Yes! At some point, your teeth will succumb to general wear and tear. You’ll need to get your veneers replaced to protect your exposed teeth. Because of the necessary tooth removal, you cannot reverse the process. It’s incredibly important to keep that in mind when making the decision to get veneers, as you’ll be committing to the process of having them replaced throughout your life.

It’s no secret that veneers can transform your appearance and overall quality of life. That said, having a small amount of enamel removed to ensure their beauty and effectiveness is ultimately a small price to pay. Contact your cosmetic dentist in Annandale to start the process – you won’t regret it!

About the Practice

At Nova Smile Dental, we offer comprehensive and personalized dental services to patients of all ages. Our highly skilled team is passionate about helping everyone achieve their very best smiles. If you have any questions about the veneer process, don’t hesitate to ask. We’re always more than happy to help! You can schedule a consultation via our website or call (703) 763-0800.

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