Why Dental Implants are Nothing to Be Ashamed Of

April 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — novasmile @ 4:17 am
3-D model of a dental implant

Dental implants are one of the most popular and often-recommended tooth replacement options. If you’ve lost teeth in the past, they can give you back the confidence and bite that you may have been missing since then.

However, some people avoid getting dental implants because they think it’s embarrassing, for one reason or another. The truth is that dental implants aren’t anything to be ashamed of! Here’s why that’s the case.

They’re Realistic

One of the biggest fears that people have when getting any kind of dental work is that it will be obvious that their teeth are fake. Many people hear “tooth replacement” and picture a set of poor-fitting dentures, thinking that the new teeth will be either too big or too small for the mouth.

The truth is that this is mostly a problem with cheap dental work. The best dental implants are the ones you don’t even notice because they look just the same as the person’s natural teeth! If you get decent implants from a professional you can trust, odds are nobody will be able to tell that you have a dental implant.

They’re Powerful

Even if you’re missing just one tooth, that can have a pretty drastic effect on the power of your bite. Eating tough foods becomes harder, which makes it much harder to enjoy dinner with friends.

Dental implants are secured directly to the jaw, which gives them stability that you might not be able to get from dentures. That can make meals much more enjoyable, providing you an opportunity to connect more deeply with the people you love.

They’re Luxurious

Dental implants are a marvel of modern medicine. They’re a product of experts that take the time to understand your exact smile and who work hard to design something tailored to your unique needs.

They’re almost like a piece of custom-made jewelry for your mouth. With that in mind, your dental implants should be something you want to show off, not hide!

About the Author

Dr. Salari is a certified prosthodontist who believes that her patients deserve the best her field has to offer. She puts her years of experience to work for her patients, working efficiently to make every dental treatment as easy as possible. Dr. Salari first began practicing dentistry in Europe before moving to the U.S., where she completed a 3-year residency at Nova Southeastern University in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

If you have any questions about dental implants, she can be reached at her website or by phone at (703) 763-0800.

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